Sinn Féin councillor and general election candidate for Dublin North West Cathleen Carney Boud has criticised John Lyons’ statement regarding jobs, which she believes demonstrates that once again the Labour Party is being the master of deceit.
Cllr Carney Boud said:
“Labour’s job figures don’t add up for two reasons.
Firstly it’s projections for investment in jobs are based on their projections of the fiscal space which has already proven to be wrong.
Secondly Labour are masters of massaging the unemployment figures which don’t show the true picture. When we deduct the amount of people on fruitless job activation schemes such as JobBridge and CE schemes the real figure of unemployment is 18%.”
Cllr Carney Boud continued:
“John Lyons claims that Labour has “been creating good quality jobs”.
“Tell that to those on zero or 20 hour contracts at minimum wage.
Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of young people who have emigrated in search of a better life.
Tell that to those who have been forced in to the slave labour of JobBridge and gateway schemes.
John Lyons should get out and talk to the people in his own constituency and get in touch with reality.”