Below is an update from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland regarding their progress in 2015. Relevant information about SEAI’s grants and programmes can be found below. More information is avaibale on their website
2015 was an excellent year for the Better Energy Programme with 22,000 homeowners making their homes more energy efficientwith the support of SEAI. To date the organisation has helped upgrade over 335,000 homes nationwide.
Better Energy Homes Programme
In 2015, grants awarded as part of the Better Energy Homes Programme increased sharply to 44%. In total 12,300 homes were granted funds to upgrade their homes. This is an increase of 23% over 2014.
In 2016 SEAI intend to support 13,700 homeowners in undertaking energy efficiency upgrades to their homes. Their strategy will focus on three arguments:
- Making your home warmer and more comfortable
- Cutting your heating bills by up to 50% and
- Increasing the value of your home.
Better Energy Warmer Homes Programme
In 2015 this scheme which is free to Homeowners delivered services to 6,867 homes. This free service is delivered to the most vulnerable citizens in our society. Applications for this scheme continue to rise and will be met with an increased budget for 2016. Delivery times have significantly reduced from 9 months in 2014 to less than 6 months in 2015. Further information is available HERE.
Better Energy Communities Programme
This Programme delivers energy savings through partnerships between homeowners, County Councils, private sector businesses, educational institutions, other community groups and energy suppliers. In 2015 33 of successful projects received over €15M in support from SEAI and upgrade works were delivered throughout Ireland, achieving over 60 gigawatt hours of savings. Further information on SEAI’s 2016 programme is available HERE.
Building Energy Rating (BER) Programme:
The number of BERs published since its introduction in 2007 has successfully reached over 600,000 BERs and provides a valuable database of energy performance for homes in Ireland. For further information please refer to: www.seai.ie/ber. Click here for most recent CSO publication including information on BER by county.
Accelerated Capital Allowance Programme:
This is a programme for business owners. The Accelerated Capital Allowance programme is a tax incentive to encourage business of all sizes to invest in energy saving technology. For further information please refer to www.seai.ie/aca.
Spring Board now taking course applications for 2016, further information available here