Sinn Féin transport spokesperson Dessie Ellis TD has called on the Revenue service to sit down with Target Express bosses to resolve their tax bill and ensure that no jobs are lost.
He made his comments as workers are staging a sit-in the Target Express plant in Cork.
Deputy Ellis continued:
“Target Express and other haulage companies are really struggling these days with high fuel costs greatly impacting on this industry. Despite that fact this company is on line to make a profit and should be allowed to continue to operate and work with Revenue to pay it tax bill.
“Obviously businesses have a responsibility to pay their taxes on time and in full but we cannot forget the 400 jobs associated with Target Express and the people and families who rely on those incomes. I stand with the workers in Cork who will not see their livelihood’s destroyed without a fight.
“To act recklessly would be to not give the company the chance to pay its taxes and keep employing people. We do not need more people out of work.
“Road haulage employs many people across the island and I have met with many hauliers over the last year or so who are very worried. The government needs to do all in its power to work with this industry in order to make sure that more jobs are not lost.”
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