Eight new homeless people in Dublin everyday – Ellis

Sinn Féin Housing spokesperson Dessie Ellis has called for immediate action by the state to deal with the rising numbers of homeless people across Ireland. He made his comments in light of figures from Dublin City Council Central Placement Service which stated that over the four local authorities in Dublin eight new people are presenting as homeless every day.

Deputy Ellis said;

“These figures are utterly damning of government policy under Fine Gael and Labour but also for the last ten years and more. Housing has been treated as a commodity and not a right for too long and now we are see the cost of that ideological position everyday.

“People are struggling to pay mortgages and rents, only handfuls of homes are being built by local authorities as austerity hits ordinary people every day and housing need rises to an all-time high.

“That eight new people present as homeless every single day in Dublin is completely unacceptable but there are many thousands more living in crowded, damp and dangerous conditions across the city and the state and the government are not doing nearly enough to challenge this situation.

“The government must get serious on ending homelessness. They must look to NAMA, look to the thousands of empty homes and look to local authorities to provide real sustainable and affordable social housing before this crisis, which has raged for decades, gets any worse.”

Dessie Ellis TD

Dessie Ellis TD

Better transport options not higher tolls – Ellis

_DSC0065June 5, 2013

Sinn Féin transport spokesperson, Dessie Ellis TD, has blasted NRA proposals to increase tolls on the M50. An NRA report found that the M50 experienced high congestion and peak periods, which could be a risk to safety and proposed five tolling points to be put in place which would see charges rise to €6.50 in some cases.
Deputy Ellis said:
“Sinn Féin has consistently opposed tolling on the M50. We completely oppose this proposal which will not deal with the problem of congestion but simply raise more money from already hard-pressed road users.
“The reason the M50 is congested at times is that it is the best option for many motorists to get to their destination. The solution is not to make the motorway less attractive and encourage people on to smaller roads shifting the problem. The solution is to give commuters options.
“Better transport options for people taking shorter trips is essential. This means improving access to public transport networks and making it more affordable by making a real investment in bus and rail. Fare increases have only discouraged people from using public transport and falsely made private cars seems like the better option.
“We also need to look at the potential that we need to increase our capacity from traffic around the city and review plans such as the Dublin Outer Orbital Route which could create jobs and offer a solution to congestion.”