Please see below response regarding issues we raised with National consumer Agency about the service Greyhound are providing.
In relation to Greyhound Waste Collection, the NCA is currently engaging with the waste collection sector as a whole in relation to several issues. With regard to Greyhound Waste, we have received a commitment from the company that it will amend certain terms in it’s standard consumer contract which the NCA thinks are unfair to consumers. This commitment was made in an Undertaking to the Agency signed on 19th December, 2012 (a link to relevant information on our website is attached below). This Undertaking committed Greyhound to refunding those consumers who have already had credit balances forfeited. From 18th January, 2013, the company’s new terms and conditions state at 10.5 that “Any credit balance in the customer’s account will be refunded in the event that the contract is terminated , by either party within the 12 month period”. However, it should be noted that no timeframe for refunds is mentioned.