Cllr Anthony Connaghan has criticised the decision of the Fine Gael/Labour Governments to introduce cuts to the community and voluntary sector. “This is yet another example of them not abandoning commitments they made while in opposition. The detrimental effect that cuts to community has in the long run are obvious to all in areas like Finglas. Many vital services and good
work will be hit by these cuts in areas such as Healthcare, Meals on Wheels, drug rehabilitation schemes etc.”
“ It is totally irresponsible to remove these services from the communities that need them most. We know that the money spent in these services actually saves the State money over time and by forcing these services to cease operation it will be the State that will need to step in and provide these services anyway. In 2008 the community sector was estimated to be worth €6.8 billion to the Irish Economy, three times the amount of State investment. These schemes play a crucial role in the creation and retention of jobs beacuase of the hugely beneficial training role of CE schemes in areas such as the provision of community childcare Given the current jobs crisis, and the infrastructure that has been built up over 20 years in the area the role of the community and voluntary sector has never been so crucial.” Concluded Cllr Connaghan.