Sinn Féin TD for Dublin North West, Dessie Ellis has called on the government to start to help working families in a real sense and not just to talk about it. “We are living in a society where it’s beyond the monetary means for families to maintain a basic standard of living. The cost of living is through the roof with high rents, rising prices in childcare, insurance hikes and we have hikes in bin charges, property tax and water charges. “
Deputy Ellis continued; “The survey from the credit unions today puts extra pressure again on families. The Irish League of Credit Unions survey found that 31% of parents find themselves in debt to over back to school costs, which have increased year on year since 2012 and now cost €967 for a child at primary school while sending a child back to secondary school will cost €1474. The cut the Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance in 2014 by one third for primary school and secondary school pupils are crippling families across this state, particularly those on low incomes and Sinn Féin has consistently called for measures that will help ease that burden. The first step is to reverse the cuts in the back to school allowance and extend the School Meals Programme by 40%, increased capitation to primary and secondary schools by 10% over a Dáil term and an increase in the School Books Grant by 30%. These actions would go some way in alleviating pressures on families.”