Receivers of rent supplement must be protected from losing homes – Ellis

Dessie Ellis TD

November 6, 2012

Sinn Fein Housing spokesperson Dessie Ellis TD has called on the government to shield those in receipt of rent supplement from any further cuts and to protect those who are at threat of losing their homes due to cuts already imposed by the Fine Gael and Labour coalition. He made his comments following the publication of a report by Focus Ireland on the Rent Supplement scheme.

Ellis continued;

“The report says that by cutting rent supplement the government were seeking to use it to lower rents generally. Not only is this ethically wrong, playing with the lives of thousands of people on the scheme but it is also a completely wrong policy which has been shown not to work and ignores the reason for higher rents.

“People who were struggling before on rent supplement, are now fearful of losing their homes thanks to government cuts to the scheme. Quite a few already have and are now struggling to find alternative accommodation based on the reduced supplement.

“The government has cut and cut again from the most vulnerable and this cannot continue.

“They must assure people that rent supplement will not be cut in this budget, they must row back on previous cuts and put in place measures which make it easier for people to find accommodation which will take rent supplement and at reasonable rates.

“This should include direct dealings by the state with landlords to secure value for money and good quality accommodation for tenants.”


Minister Launches new buses while cutting service- Ellis

Minister launches new buses while cutting service – Ellis

October 12, 2012

Sinn Féin Transport spokesperson Dessie Ellis has today described as shameful the behaviour of Minister Leo Varadkar who yesterday basked in the glory of launching a new fleet of Dublin Buses a day after withholding €36 million in promised funding to CIÉ.

Deputy Ellis continued;

“The irony of this is not lost on people. Minister Varadkar may enjoy the limelight of launching new buses but he is systematically dismantling public transport in this state, through cuts, reforms and fare hikes.

“Dublin Bus is part of CIÉ which has had its yearly state subvention cut from €312 million in 2009 to €242 million today and Varadkar is intent on making a further €40 million cut to this by 2014.

“He is gutting the companies under CIÉ with these cuts and forcing them to provide less of a service for higher prices. Minister Varadkar has stated publicly that fare hikes damage public transport and discourage use of it but has forced the companies to do just that.

“No one can take seriously a government which speaks about smarter travel as they make public transport less accessible and less attractive while running down services and cutting routes.”