Please see below response to the Objection I put in, in relation to the Amusement Arcade .
The proposed amusement arcade, which would represent a land use of a similar nature to a Betting Office, would result in and over concentration of a gambling time use in this Key District Centre which already has a minimum of five betting offices. It would be contrary to the provisions of the development plan stated ins section 17.28 which states that is tis an objective to prevent a concentration of betting offices and similar retail service outlets such as amusement arcades. The development located in a back room of the premises, would fail to contribute to the creation of a vibrant retail and commercial core in this gateway village. The development would therefore, seriously injure the amenities and depreciate the value of property in the vicinity, it would be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.
An appeal may be made against this decision within 4 weeks, beginning 27th September, 2012. to an Bord Pleanala, Dessie got this on Friday but I got a copy by post today too and the above is verbatim.